On rare occasion, the Server may encounter a database connectivity issue.  When this happens, the Server will pop up a warning message. By clicking , you are instructing the Server to set the database type to "MS Access".  This is a special diagnostic mode.  It allows you to correct your…

Intelli-Site was designed to make it possible to easily add features to an existing system simply by entering a new license key.  Contact your Sales Representative for a price quote on additional Workstations or any other add-on feature of Intelli-Site.  When the additional Workstations or other features have been purchased,…

Overview This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v3.9.60.  The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation. This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance.  All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release. Version…

Introduction The included batch file will export the data included in the Access Sets by Cardholder report. Once exported the data can be edited in excel or notepad. When editing is complete the IS Importer can be used to re-import the data with the edited changes. Procedure

DLT or Dynamic Link Table is the logic system used by Compass modules. While the Intelli-Site software generates the proper line of DLT for most situations, it can sometimes be necessary to manually create DLT. Structure. Each line of DLT has the same structure, and is comprised of 5 parts…

Introduction The Email Notification feature of Intelli-Site can be used to send email notification when an I/O Point has reached a defined state.  Intelli-Site will send the notification email to the email addresses in the specified distribution list. Windows has changed its method of defining the default email client.  This…