As of February 10th, 2025, the latest version of the Intelli-Site software is Note: Before performing any upgrade, it is always wise to create a support package.
The tested and verified operating systems are: Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise, Server 2012 R2 Server 2016
The following is the list of supported drivers and panels: Accutech IS Mux and LS PHD Aiphone IX System Allegion ENGAGE(tm) Gateway with LE Series and NDE Series Wireless Locks Allen Bradley Bosch Radionics D660 Essex Electronics RxProx and Piezo button panels Mercury - EP/LP 1501, EP/LP 1502, EP/LP 2500,…
Recommended: Intel I7 Quad Core 2.8 GHz Operating System: Windows 7 (Professional or Ultimate) Windows 10 (Pro or Enterprise) Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016 CPU (Processor): Minimum: Intel I3 2.0 GHz RAM (Memory): Minimum: 8GB DDR2 800 MHz Recommended: 16GB DDR4…
System Requirements The following are the minimum and recommended system requirements for Intelli-Site 4.1 and Intelli-Site Lite 4.1. Operating System: Windows 10 (Pro or Enterprise), Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016 CPU (Processor): Minimum: Intel I3 2.0 GHz Recommended: Intel I7 Quad Core 2.8 GHz RAM (Memory):…
OVERVIEW This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.37.12. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.
OVERVIEW This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.1.1.6. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.
INTRODUCTION Many integrators manage multiple projects. Most projects will have the same basic set of holidays. Adding them one by one in each project is time-consuming at best. The integrator can import the same basic holidays into each project he/she manages instead.
To log during the installation, the installer must be run from a command prompt with specific parameters. From Windows Explorer, create a folder for the log files, (e.g. C:Logs) Copy the desired Intelli-Site installer to the Desktop Open a Command Prompt Enter the following commands:cd DesktopIntelli-Site-"C:LogSetupExe.log" /V"/L*v C:LogSetupMSI.log" Note: The…
Logging for the Desktop Client is different than logging for any of the Service components. The registry key is in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, not HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. To the key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareOSSIIntelli-SiteDesktopClient add the DWORD value LogToFile. When this DWORD is set to 1, logging will occur. You may need to exit the Desktop Client…