This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.43.19. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenace release that improves quality, reliability, and performace. All Users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
A new license is need for those installations with Radionics panels. These panels were incorrectly typed as Intercom/Telephony in the previous release. They are actually Alarm Receivers (Alarm).
The following software features were added:
- ISConnect 4.0 is a new component. It is used to import data from foreign data sources (i.e., SQL databases or flat files). It must be licensed to perform the import, but configurations can be created without a license. See the ISConnect 4.0.x User's Guide found in Documentation View under Application Documentation -> Panel Guides
- Access Management View
- A new card can be added to an existing personnel by editing that personnel record then swiping the new, unknown card. The card will be added to the personnel. The card must not be currently assigned to another personnel. The personnel record must exist. This does not work if the personnel record is being added. Add the personnel, then edit it to add a card in this manner.
- Design View
- The All Holidays node can be exported and imported.
- Documentation
- Allegion ENGAGE(tm) Gateway Panel Guide
The following Panels were added or upgraded:
- NEW! Allegion ENGAGE Gateway Panel - works with LE Series Wireless Locks and NDE Series Wireless Locks. It is imperative to read and follow the Panel Guide when setting up the Allegion ENGAGE System and Intelli-Site. It is a unique system among access control systems and must be executed in a particular order for successful integration. In addition, a new field, Card Function, must be added to the Card Data screen for all tokens that will be used at an Allegion ENGAGE lock.
- CodeMeter, the licensing software, was upgraded to 6.90.3699.501. It will upgrade the existing version when Intelli-Site is upgraded.
- Compass panels were upgraded to include the ability to automatically add Lockdown logic by checking the Supports Lockdown checkbox in the panel's Quick Config dialog or the reader's Properties dialog. When checked, the DLT for lockdown is added to the DLT table.
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- Desktop Client
- Access Management View
- The date fields on the badges only show the date not the date and time.
- The state of the Download when saved checkbox is remembered per computer and computer account. The state is stored in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
- Access Management View
- Design View
- Database Field Control screen objects cannot be added to Badge screens. There is no reason for an editable control to be on a Badge screen. Use Database Field Display Control screen objects instead.
- When a Database Field Display screen object has a Database Grid Control in its Database Grid field, the Database Field Display updates only when the designated Database Grid Control is updated.
- When a screen object is dragged from the Tree onto a new screen, the Reprogram dialog displays only on the Desktop Client that initiated the copy of the screen object.
- Badge Properties dialog: The Width field was moved above the Height field to be consistent with the rest of the Properties dialogs.
- Popup Screen Properties dialog: The Width field was moved above the Height field to be consistent with the rest of the Properties dialogs.
- Modbus is now a valid target for the Virtualize and Unvirtualize commands.
- Several issues with Reprogram were cleared:
- The Hover Text node is being properly replaced.
- The Hover Text Object node is being properly replaced.
- When the Replace Points is empty, the text strings are being properly replaced.
- Live View
- Database Grid Control screen objects can no longer be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
- Database Field Display screen objects are now properly refreshing on popup screens and shared screen objects when the associated Database Grid Control is updated.
- Driver Service
- Downloading Cards when the Project is in Single ID mode works.
- Panels
- Compass
- IRM Properties dialog - The Auto Speak checkbox is back on the Alarm Queue tab.
- Compass
The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:
- N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:
- N/A