This article applies to Compass hardware
Holiday Usage for Card Access Rights
For Compass panels, there is a default holiday group called ‘No Holidays’. You can find it under the Access Control -> Compass Panel ->Holidays node
It contains no dates, nor can any dates be added to it, nor can the name be changed, nor should it be moved. As soon as a day is included in any other Holiday group, it is treated as an exception to the normal TimeCode schedule by the panel. When a Time Code uses the Holiday group ‘No Holidays’, Access Levels that use this Time Code will deny access on ANY holiday no matter in which Holiday group the holiday is defined. It may seem counterintuitive that the No Holidays group is empty, it means the door will not unlock on any holiday. Remember that any holiday in any group applies to the No Holidays group.
Time Codes can be found under the Compass RTU node. When a Compass RTU is added, a default time code is added as well. This time code is the ‘Always’ time code. By default, this time code includes the ‘No Holidays’ group. The ‘Always’ time code defines 24/7 access for any day that is not defined as a holiday. And since by default no holidays have been defined, this is 365 days a year. However once a holiday is added this is no longer true.
The most common procedure is to create a Holiday Group called ‘All Holidays’. Add the dates for the company holidays, (e.g. Jan. 1, July 4th, etc.). Please note that though the calendar picker is a multi-year schedule, the Compass panel does not handle multiple years. It only knows one year at a time. Save when all the desired dates have been added.
As a side note, not every year has the same holidays. Memorial Day is a different day every year, and for some years, July 5th is included as a holiday and not others. The dates for the holidays must be updated every year so the actual holidays for the company are observed. If not, the Compass panels will use the same dates from last year until they are updated
You may create any number of Holiday groups depending on your needs. We strongly suggest that a group called ‘All Holidays’ be created and then the ‘Always’ Time Code modified to use this Holiday group. That way someone always has access to the facility. Make sure you modify the Time Code on every Compass panel. Even if you are not currently entering holidays we suggest that you create an All Holidays group and change the Always access level to use that on each panel. Then if holidays are ever used people with Always access will not be locked out. This will be the case for most facilities.
Holidays are treated as the exception to the rule. If the normal schedule is doors open M-F business hours and No Holidays is selected then when a holiday that is in the All Holidays group happens to occur the doors will remain locked.
Holiday Usage for Device Control (Lock/Unlock, Enable/Disable)
When defining Holidays and Holiday groups, it is important to consider their impact on schedules defined for device control. Typically a facility’s doors that would normally unlock on a daily schedule should remain locked on a holiday. This can be accomplished by defining the TimeCode schedule to include the ‘No Holidays’ group. This applies to disable and delay schedules defined for inputs as well.
Examples of holiday usage: