This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v3.9.55, released on 09/19/2013.
The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a critical update that addresses a recently discovered software defect that may cause the system to crash or corrupt data files.
All users with version <3.9.54> should upgrade immediately to this release.
For those sites with ViconNet 6.6sp2: The ViconNet driver could not connect to the ViconNet nucleus but the Workstation could. The DriverService would crash when the ViconNet driver was taken offline in the DriverService.
For those sites with Compass IRM panels: The addition of the Download Failed alarm caused the Door1 Forced, Door1 DOTL, Door2 Forced, and Door2 DOTL alarms to report incorrectly.
For those sites with PCSC panels: The Workstation won't crash when going to the "Bulk Card Update" tab of a "Card Group".
New Features
The following software features were added:
- No new features
The following RTUs were added or upgraded:
- 3xLOGIC Vigil SDK version 7.00.0000
Resolved Issues
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- Essex analog button presses register as they happen, not waiting for a poll.
- EULA has been updated.
- Card Swipes Only queues show all card swipes again. In 54, only the INVALID transactions were appearing.
- When adding or editing a card, all of the database related buttons are disabled. In Single ID mode, the buttons are two buttons (Refresh and Reset). In Multi-ID mode, there are four buttons: two for the dossier table (Refresh and Reset) and two for the card table (Add and Delete)
- Several issues for Compass panels have been resolved.
- When auto-detecting or downloading firmware to an IRM, setup data is now only downloaded once.
- Unauthorized Time card reads show up correctly in Monitor Control. They were displaying as Valid reads instead of Timezone Violation alarms.
- When the new alarm point, Download Failed, was added in 3.9.54, the Door 2 DOTL alarm was pushed off the "Compass IRM Panel Control Screen". The screen has been modified to show the alarms correctly.
NOTE: Any Compass IRM Panel Control Screens generated in 3.9.54 must be deleted and generated again for this fix to take effect in your project. - The correct APB Reader code is now downloading based on the APB Type specified on the Door for the Reader in and IRM.
- The correct command to retrieve the current configuration is now being sent.
The following issues specific to CS (formerly named CORE) have been resolved:
- No specific issues
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:
- No specific issues
Known Limitations