This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v3.9.52. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
New Features
The following software features were added:
- A right-click option for MAC-16R and MAC-32I panels to increase General Points and Alarms to a total of 64 each
The following RTUs were added or upgraded:
- Essex RoxProx IP Series
- Accutech
- ViconNet v6.6 sp1

The only version of ViconNet supported is v6.6 sp1
In the course of investigating the ViconNet offering, it was determined that an upgrade to the latest SDK was necessary. This upgrade obsoletes previous versions of ViconNet. Therefore, the only version of ViconNet that can be supported is v6.6 sp1. All users with older versions of ViconNet are strongly encouraged to upgrade to ViconNet 6.6 sp 1 if they wish to continue to integrate with it using Intelli-Site.
Resolved Issues
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- project.new is not the latest version.
- Popups sometimes popup off the screen(s).
- For Multi-ID databases, saving a Dossier on one Workstation causes all other Workstations that are attached to the Server and in Card Management Mode to switch to viewing the Dossier that was just saved.
The following issues specific to CORE have been resolved:
- When an alarm has been defined for a trigger, the triggered alarm isn't being displayed in the Alarm Queue until after the Workstation is restarted.
- In a chain of panels, after a panel has been deleted, the panels that followed the deleted panel don't virtualize/unvirtualize correctly.
- When a panel is deleted from a chain of 11 panels, there are two panels with number 11 in Run Mode.
Known Limitations