This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.1.2.4. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.
The following software features were added:
- Reports have been optimized for speed.
- The report display is no longer in print preview mode by default. The formatting of large reports takes a noticeable length of time. The report toolbar does have the print preview button if you want to see it.
- Much of the data filtering has been offloaded to the database.
The following Panels were added or upgraded:
- NEW! Vicon Valerus VMS
- Before installing Intelli-Site, the Valerus Media Player must be installed. There is a conflict with postgreSQL if the Media Player is installed after Intelli-Site. If your site is an upgrade and needs Vicon Valerus, tech support can help you fix the conflict.
- After installing the Vicon Valerus driver either as a new install or a modify install, the Valerus Media Player ActiveX control must be registered. A file, RegisterViconValerusActiveX.cmd, was installed with the driver to do just that. Go to the
DriversViconValerus folder. Right-click on the file and select "Run as administrator".
- NEW! Vicon Valerus VMS Panel Guide
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- Configuration Utility
- Note: Do not start the Client Manager unless you absolutely need it. Only start it when redundant Engines are required and licensed. The Client Manager counts as a client in the license.
- This isn't new. It just bears repeating.
- Desktop Client
- Reports View
- Report Parameters fields that are date/time or boolean (y/n) fields are no longer text fields. That means defining a date/time parameter uses a date/time style selector. Y/N fields become check boxes when editing. Checked is Y, clear is N.
- The wildcard character is now "%" instead of "*".
- The Personnel Detail Report is not blank anymore.
- RFID Management View
- Deleting a Zone won't cause an unhandled exception when deleted very quickly after adding them. Not something anyone but QA would actually do, but QA has to earn their money too.
- An unauthorized alarm will not be triggered by a tag that has no zones assigned that is not designated an asset. It is considered to be mobile and allowed in every zone. Assets must be assigned to zones. Assets should not be mobile on their own by definition.
- Reports View
The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:
- N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:
- N/A
For Projects using MSSQL as the database provider, the Last Time field in RFID Management View is off +6 hours.
Tag Activity is not "Live". A screen refresh is needed to force an update. Selecting a different tag and then coming back to the target tag is sufficient to cause a load of the data.