Release Notes: Intelli-Site v4.0.44.7
Author: Lori TassinCreated: 04-29-2020 12:35 PMLast Updated: 08-02-2021 03:07 PM
This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.44.7. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenace release that improves quality, reliability, and performace. All Users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
The following software features were added:
- Documentation
- Essex Panel Guide
The following Panels were added or upgraded:
- NEW! Essex Panel
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- Desktop Client
- Design View
- Database Field Control screen objects display the database field name in Design View if the control doesn't have an associated database grid.
- Live View
- When a Shared Screen Object with a Database Grid Control screen object refreshes, the Database Field Display Control screen objects now draw on top of the background.
- Database Field Control screen objects display the default value for a field if that data is null or empty. It used to display the name of the database field.
- Design View
- Documentation - The following documents were updated:
- User's Guide - FilterNew is the action by which a target is set for Database actions
- Allegion ENGAGE(tm) Gateway Panel Guide
- Modbus Panel Guide
- Omron Panel Guide
- Panels
- Allegion
- An [Apply] button was added to the driver Properties dialog.
- PowerFailSafe downloads asls and not asis
- Classroom and Dormroom lock modes were removed since Allegion has not yet implemented them.
- The user cannot add a Gateway to the driver until a Site has been added and saved by either clicking [Apply] or [OK]
- The firmware versions are being refreshed from the Allegion ENGAGE(tm) Portal properly. The firmware versions must be set then a [Settings] download must take place for the firmware version to be set in the Portal. [Refresh] will display the correct information from the Portal.
- Allegion
The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:
- N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:
- N/A