Release Notes Intelli-Site 4 AC v4.0.15.5
Author: Lori TassinCreated: 06-02-2016 10:10 PMLast Updated: 08-24-2021 08:59 AM
This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.15.5. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
New Features
The following software features were added:
- Implement the Version tab
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards tab: Add functionality to allow bulk assignment of access sets in Multi-ID mode
- Add support for mp3 files
- Badge Display/Creation
- Implement Auto-Download Valid Cards
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards tab: Add functionality to allow bulk assignment of access sets in Multi-ID mode
Resolved Issues
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- Access Management View: Does not switch to the Personnel & Cards tab when [View Card Record] is selected on an alarm while in AMV but not on the Personnel & Cards tab
- Access Management View: Access Sets - Cannot see dialogs for Adding Access Entries until logoff/logon after switching out of Global Time Zones
- Access Management View: After deleting multiply-selected personnel, the token table does not display any data
- Access Management View: Change Assign/Remove access rights to Assign/Remove Access Sets... in the right-click context menus
- Access Management View: DB Error message when attempting Assign Access Rights... from the Personnel Table context menu
- Access Management View: Delete of multiple records will delete a maximum of 10, not all the selected records
- Access Management View: Error on Import Cards leaves the user in edit mode
- Access Management View: In Single ID, the Access tab is not loading when the selected record changes
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - Assign/Remove Access Rights should set the Download_Required flag
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - Assign/Remove Access Rights... should only be enabled when multiple personnel/tokens have been selected
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - Assign/Remove Access Sets... is downloading even when Download checkbox is clear
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - Can not [Save] when editing or adding personnel or card
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - Change "Update Panels" to "Download" on the Assign and Remove Access Rights dialog
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - If a person has more than one token, only the first token is downloaded when the Download Card(s)... context menu option is selected.
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - Remove Access Rights... leave the Client in edit mode
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - The Access tab is not reloading to reflect the changes made by Remove Access Rights... from the Personnel context menu
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards - The fields "name_last" and "name_first" should not be required fields when adding a personnel/token
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards tab - Import Status window does not dismiss after clicking [OK]
- Access Management View: Personnel & Cards tab - The Delete Confirm dialog is too big when a large number of persons are selected
- Access Management View: User is allowed to edit cardholder image without having photo management rights
- Access Management View: When switching from Multi-ID to Single-ID the card number field in the card grid is wrong.
- Compass Driver: DLT is sent to Compass RTU multiple times causing a buffer overflow.
- Compass Driver: Downloading a card whose access exceeds the operational limits of a Compass RTU causes the driver to stop communicating.
- Compass Driver: Output Definitions have the enabled bit set to 0 during settings, complete, firmware downloads.
- Compass Driver: Output Set Disabled message has all bits set to 0 during settings, complete, and firmware downloads regardless of current disabled state.
- Compass Driver: Reader Definitions messages have the Enabled bit set to 0 during settings download to a newly auto-detect module.
- Compass Driver: Reader Mode message has wrong value during settings, complete and firmware downloads.
- Compass RTU Properties: Auto-download Valid Cards should be checked by default
- Design View: Add Node and Add Node and Edit should be disabled for the Reports->Application Reports->System node
- Desktop Client: Access Set assignments are allow to exceed the operational limits of the compass IRM.
- Desktop Client: Clicking Add Node and Edit on badges node creates a blank badge with no sides.
- Desktop Client: Configure Dialog in hardware Management does not retrieved the timezone for First In Timezone field for Reader 1
- Hardware Management View: Do not allow driver to be enabled with no RTUs assigned.
- Scheduled Event Properties: Operation tab - Issues with missing label and formatting
- Screen Properties: The screen does not update when the size and color properties are modified and saved.
- Switching to another screen from the LeadIn screen causes the toolbar to disappear.
Known Limitations