Release Notes Intelli-Site
Author: Lori TassinCreated: 03-26-2019 01:19 PMLast Updated: 08-25-2021 10:19 AM
This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v4.0.39.3. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
New Features
The following software features were added:
- Driver nodes can be reordered using drag and drop
The following Panels were added or upgraded:
- The icons for Modbus sub-values change depending on the type of integer in the Value field. If the value is an integer, the icon is the same as a counter value, . If the value is a bit (e.g., B0-B15) the icon is an I/O Point icon, . The user may need to logoff and login to see the change in icon when the value is changed.
Resolved Issues
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- Desktop Client
- Design View
- For screen object properties, when the Name of a state is modified, the Flash To State drop-down menu immediately reflects the change.
- Live View
- A timing issue was discovered in the way Hot Objects were being set. This could affect any command or action that requires at least one previous action to set a Hot Object such as Pelco Switcher commands, or ForceMask/ForceRoutingMask actions.
- Scheduled Events View
- When the Name of an event type is modified and saved, the change is immediately reflected in the Scheduled Events Table for any events of the modified event type.
- Design View
- Panels
- Mercury
- The properties for the Never and Always Time Zones can be viewed, but cannot be modified. They are special Time Zones that must exist and should not ever be modified.
- Modbus
- The text on the dialog of the Add Multiple... context-menu option for the child node of a Value (a.k.a., a sub-value) has changed. Starting Address has been changed to Starting Value since these are possible values and not locations.
- When adding sub-value nodes using the Add Multiple... context-menu option, one can specify a Starting Value for a bit by beginning the number with the letter 'B'. The possible values are B0-B15. Any other values will cause an error. The value must begin with a capital 'B'.
- The [Cancel] button on the Modbus properties dialog will now abandon changes to all of the Transaction Type fields.
- Transactions Types can only be added to Holding Register Memory Polling Areas. The Transaction Types fields are disabled if the selected Memory Polling Area is not a Holding Register Area.
- The correct Transaction Types are displaying for each of the Memory Polling Areas selected in the Modbus properties dialog no matter how many times one opens and closes the properties dialog.
- New Transaction Types can be added and modified regardless of which Transaction Type is currently selected.
- Omron
- The Panel Guide was updated to include sub-values and the Table of Contents was fixed.
- Mercury
The following issues specific to Intelli-Site Lite have been resolved:
- N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:
- N/A
Known Limitations