This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v3.9.70. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
This release specifically adds features to the Milestone MIP RTU . Custom Events and Custom Alarms were added. This affects both the Intelli-Site software and the MilestoneMIP.AxWrapper. See What is the latest version of Intelli-Site and where do I get it?
New Features
The following software features were added:
- N/A
The following RTUs were added or upgraded:
- Milestone MIP - Custom Events and Custom Alarms are now supported
Resolved Issues
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- N/A
The following issues specific to CORE have been resolved:
- N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:
- N/A
Known Limitations
- DO NOT attempt to PTZ within a video display on a PopUp or PopUpDialog because the Workstation will lock up using 100% CPU. The Milestone MIP SDK captures the mouse clicks within the video display and appears to cause the lock up. Using the PTZ Commands works as expected.
- The version information is missing in the About dialog. This will be fixed in the next release.