This article contains the release notes for Intelli-Site v3.9.64. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

This is a maintenance release
This is a maintenance release that improves quality, reliability, and performance. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
New Features
The following software features were added:
- An "Auto-Create" Door Constructs feature has been added for non-access control RTU types.
- The tag names for OPC RTUs can be modified via "Rename From File" context menu option. The tag name must follow the proper naming convention for OPC but the "Rename From File" feature does not validate the values in the file. The file format is as follows (remember the file is tab-delimited):
New Input 1 Name New.Input.1.Name
New Input 2 Name New.Input.2.Name
The following RTUs were added or upgraded:
- None
Resolved Issues
The following issues affecting all products have been resolved:
- The tresRFID driver displays the correct value for RSSI in the DriverService message window.
- A tag detected by two or more tresRFID readers will not be marked missing when it goes missing from the reader that had the strongest RSSI signal strength but will be moved to the reader with the next strongest RSSI signal strength.
- A tag that is detected by an antenna before it has been defined in the Intelli-Site/Intelli-Track, is ignored by Intelli-Site/Intelli-Track. There was an issue that Intelli-Site did not detect the tag until it went missing. It will now register the tag as soon as it is added to the system and the Driver reports it to the Server.
- Connections to Milestone hosts can be made at port numbers other than the default port by specifying the port number manually in the "IP Address or HostName" field on the "Settings" tab of the properties. The format is "host.example.com:8080" or "".
The following issues specific to Intelli-Site CS have been resolved:
- N/A
Below are issues related to specific OEM versions:
- N/A
Known Limitations